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A digital catalogue of your projects, assignments, over the course of your journey will benefit you. 


1. Everything you want to showcase is in one place


2. Web publication forces you to pair down exemplars and write tersely


3. As you curate your experiences and reflect on what you have begun, your identity as a burgeoning educator takes further shape


4. Showcased body of work should allow employers to identify your:

    -teacher stance 

    -area of certification

    -experiences in 'stage' and courses

    -personal interests

    -C.V. and possibly refrences



In my experience in schools: students, curricular units, programs, and departments organize around online platforms.


A. Your work designing an e-portfolio has direct implications for your work in the classroom 


B. Teachers have a class site that incorporate the core practices of site creation/maintenance


C. Students create and maintain mini-sites: demonstrating standards progress, to house project work, and to satisfy third party validation (Ib, AP)


D. Educational Technology is how schools operate

    -Learning Management Systems

    -Remote Instruction

    -Student & Parent Communication 


 Stage 1 Program...
here you might share the courses/ grade levels you taught and any extra curricular programs where you assisted/coached  


Work Experience,
Teaching & Learning Philosophy:


Share that schedule you taught...


Add items that might catch a potential employers eye


Link direct to youtube hosted teaching videos or to G-drive, Dropbox, or files 


Dropbox, or files from you desktop

Additional Incentives

Analogue Lessons.jpeg

Dinosaur practices, yet many educators keep and store lessons this way


Tough to do if your a first year teacher on a cart or sharing rooms 

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Regional, state, international  and advanced certifications


- link as extension to interview

-required for overseas employment 

-window into teaching presence and personality

* tip: leave your analogue binder at home

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